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Lessons (DRAFT)

The “Ontological Bridge-building for Climate Change Mitigation in Maasailand”

(A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship) works collaboratively through the education and social structures of the North Central Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, with the blessing and support of Bishop Godson Abel.


The following lessons have been written by Maasai collaborative writers for review by the Maasai Stakeholders. Below are also lessons written by me, Beth Elness-Hanson, as a dialogue partner, to pass on information and resources that I have gleened from my previous years of reseach which can support the develop of the lessons by the writers (who are paid for their efforts).


The lessons below are DRAFTS, thus, they are not meant to be used in their current form. Later, revised lessons will be uploaded for use throughout the Maasai regions without cost. In addition, they can be adapted for other contexts without cost as part of the open access ethical standards for this research project.


Lessons for Theological Education by Extension (TEE)

The following lessons have been developed for the training of Maasai lay pastors at Oldoinyosambu Theological College. After reveiw by the Stakeholders, they will be adapted for use with women's groups.

1) Biblical Creation Care
Sitayo_1 Biblical Creation Care 2024.09.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [403.7 KB]
2) Maasai Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK)
Sitayo_2 Maasai TEK_2024.09.05.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [460.8 KB]
3) Climate Science in a Maasai Context
Sitayo_3 Climate Science_2024.09.04.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [536.4 KB]

Lessons for Form 2 students at Diocese schools

1) Biblical Creation Care
Joseph_1 Biblical Ceation Care 2024.09.0[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [372.6 KB]
2) Maasai Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK)
Joseph_2 Maasai Ceation Care 2024.09.02.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [422.7 KB]
3) Climate Science in a Maasai Context
Joseph_3 Climate Science 2024.09.02.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [288.7 KB]

Lessons for Confirmation

1) Biblical Creation Care
Megiroo_1 Biblical Creation Care_2024.09[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [411.1 KB]
2) Maasai Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK)
Megiroo_2 Maasai TEK_2024.09.04.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [251.3 KB]
3) Climate Science in a Maasai Context
Megiroo_3 Climate Science_2024.09.06.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [252.8 KB]

Lessons from Beth as a dialogue partner

1) Biblical Creation Care
1_Biblical creation care dialogue with B[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [430.4 KB]
2) Maasai Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK)
2_Maasai creation care dialogue with Bet[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [307.0 KB]
3) Climate Science in a Maasai Context
3_Climate Science dialogue with Beth.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [815.4 KB]


I teach Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and intercultural hermeneutics at Wartburg Theological Seminary, (on leave of absence) Dubuque, IA, USA, and VID Specialized University, Stavanger, Norway. Through VID, I am currently engaging a postdoctoral research project with the Maasai in Tanzania.