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Oldonyosambu Theological College

3-4 Feb: Christian Education Pedagogy Workshop Schedule
Oldonyosambu Theological College Pedagog[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [188.4 KB]

Christian Education Pedagogy Resources

Lesson Plan Template
2025 Lesson Plan Template.rtf
Text document [118.5 KB]
1 Slides from Mama Anya: Developing SLOs
01 Methods of Teaching--Main point SLOs[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]
2 Lesson Plan Design: A Model
02 Small Group Lesson Plans.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.6 MB]
Lesson plan example: Psalm 1
02 Lesson plan example Psalm 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [50.8 KB]
Lesson plan example: Psalm 23
11 EXAMPLE Ps 23--Template small group B[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [94.2 KB]
4 Learner-centered teaching exercises
04 Lerner-centered teaching exercises.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [900.8 KB]
3-way interview response sheet template
3-way interview response sheet.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.4 KB]
5 Introduction to Hermeneutics
05 Intro to Hermeneutics.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [892.1 KB]
6 Misunderstood Old Testament
06 misunderstood OT.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [957.6 KB]

Stages of Faith Development Resources

Stages of Faith Formation
Stages of Faith Formation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [166.6 KB]
Westerhoff styles of faith summary
Adobe Acrobat document [62.0 KB]
40 Assets for development_12-18 yo
40 Assets 12-18.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [77.4 KB]

Tanzanian National Curriculum: Bible Knowledge—Secondary Education

National Curriculum for Bible Knowledge—Secondary Education
Adobe Acrobat document [538.0 KB]

It is my recommendation that this national curriculum be redeveloped regarding the Old Testament content. The selection of books can be broader to include wisdom literture, the Psalms, Prophets. However, this is what is currently adopted.
~ Beth Elness-Hanson, PhD in Old Testament with intercultural approach.



Pentateuch / The Books of Moses Resources

Pentateuch / Books of Moses Resources
This list of online resources is a beginning for further study. This list was compiled by Dr. Beth Elness-Hanson and Rev. Dr. Sam Giere, Old Testament faculty at Wartburg Theological Seminary.
A Rabbit Hole of Resources 2022.09.08.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [194.0 KB]

Online resources include:

Mama Anya Teaches Typing

01--Left & Right home keys
01--Left Right.doc
Microsoft Word document [21.5 KB]
02--Left & Right home keys + H
02--Left Right + H.doc
Microsoft Word document [19.0 KB]
03--Left & Right home keys + E
03--Left Right + E.doc
Microsoft Word document [19.0 KB]
04--Left & Right home keys + E & H
04--Left Right + E H.doc
Microsoft Word document [19.5 KB]
Microsoft Word document [20.0 KB]
06--Left & Right + E & I & R
06--Left Right + E I R.doc
Microsoft Word document [20.0 KB]
Microsoft Word document [19.5 KB]
Microsoft Word document [21.0 KB]
09--O + T
09--O + T.doc
Microsoft Word document [23.5 KB]
10--N G
10--N G.doc
Microsoft Word document [21.5 KB]
Microsoft Word document [20.0 KB]
12--Left Shift Key
12--Left Shift Key.doc
Microsoft Word document [25.0 KB]
Microsoft Word document [24.5 KB]
14--U & C
14--U C.doc
Microsoft Word document [27.0 KB]
15--W & Right Shift Key
15--W Right Shift Key.doc
Microsoft Word document [27.0 KB]
16--B & Y
16--B Y.doc
Microsoft Word document [27.5 KB]
Microsoft Word document [26.0 KB]
18--M & X
18--M X.doc
Microsoft Word document [26.0 KB]
19--P V
19--P V.doc
Microsoft Word document [28.0 KB]
20--Q & comma
20--Q comma.doc
Microsoft Word document [26.0 KB]
Microsoft Word document [26.5 KB]


I teach Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and intercultural hermeneutics at Wartburg Theological Seminary, (on leave of absence) Dubuque, IA, USA, and VID Specialized University, Stavanger, Norway. Through VID, I am currently engaging a postdoctoral research project with the Maasai in Tanzania.